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ESD safety in intralogistics

Your guide to ESD safety measures

Discover the most important ESD safety measures for the entire intralogistics process in this guide! Join an ABS control unit as it travels through the process chain and find out what really matters at each stage when it comes to effective ESD safety.

Electrostatic discharge (ESD) in intralogistics – an invisible risk

ESD stands for “electrostatic discharge” and describes an uncontrolled equalisation of electrical charges between two differently charged objects. The problem is that these discharges can damage electronic components without anyone noticing. Electrostatic charging occurs all the time, due to e.g. friction or movement. The ESD damage that follows usually only comes to light later on, when the customer is using the product. Industrial companies that don’t roll out consistent ESD safety measures are risking product faults, supply chain disruption and increased costs.

Three challenges for effective ESD safety

There are three factors that play a special role in intralogistics when it comes to protecting ESD-sensitive components:

  • Moving electronic components from A to B
  • ESD-safe packaging
  • Working practices

ESD safety measures based on the example of an ABS control unit

An ABS control unit is a safety-relevant component in a vehicle. It prevents the wheels from locking during harsh braking manoeuvres. In this case, a lack of ESD safety can result in the ABS failing and therefore potentially lead to a catastrophic accident. Our guide follows an ABS control unit from Goods Receipt through to Dispatch.

“Companies that fully embrace ESD safety measures will be rewarded with fewer complaints and thus lower production costs.”

ESD safety measures throughout the entire process chain

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