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Lean production – a simple explanation

Your guide to a smooth start

Lean production is a philosophy of continuous improvement. The goal is to achieve short throughput times and high productivity. Our free guide explains exactly what lean production means, the methods involved and how you can permanently establish it at your company.

The guide with a simple explanation of lean production methods

Find out, amongst other things:

  • The best place to start with the roll-out.
  • The role played by the continuous improvement process and how you can establish this process.
  • How you can use the 5S method to turn improvements into standard practice and thus identify errors as soon as they occur.
  • How value-stream mapping reveals potential in your production operations and how you can leverage this potential.
  • How new processes can be put to the test using the PDCA cycle.
  • How Heijunka helps you adapt quickly and flexibly to fluctuations in demand.
  • What is involved in pull production and the benefits it delivers.
About the author
Thomas Hytzki
Lean expert at item Industrietechnik

The golden rule during the roll-out:

A vital step when seeking to firmly establish lean principles at your company is to incorporate the entire process chain into a single process flow rather than improving individual processes.

item Industrietechnik is the pioneer in building kit systems for industrial applications and a global market leader.


item has been developing and distributing high-quality solutions for engineering machinery, fixtures and plants since 1976.

Selection & availability

The product portfolio comprises more than 4,000 high-quality components that can be supplied very quickly thanks to our state-of-the-art logistics systems.

Everything for state-of-the-art production

item helps its customers build machine bases, work benches, automation solutions and lean production applications.

The guide with a simple explanation of lean production – get your copy now!

Act now to lay the foundation for lean production at your company! Simply complete the form and you will receive the guide in a matter of minutes – free of charge!