Our Webinar Offerings
Would you like to expand your knowledge in digital engineering or make your constructions easier to handle on the PC? Then register for our webinars. For beginners or advanced users, from the office or from the couch - you will find what you are looking for.
Engineeringtool for beginners

Christian Thiel, product manager and online tools expert, will demonstrate the many ways digital engineering tools can benefit your efficiency and production processes. There will also be live demonstrations showcasing specific real-life application scenarios, so you can see for yourself how digital engineering solutions can give your efficiency a much-needed boost – from the initial idea right through to ordering components.
- Live item Engineeringtool presentation
- All the benefits digital engineering has to offer
- Boosting efficiency throughout the entire engineering process with digital tools
- Questions and answers

Engineeringtool for advanced users

Torben Hohgräve, product manager and online tools expert, will show you how to make the most effective practical use of the item Engineeringtool. The webinar contents build on the basic digital engineering webinar.
From setting your structures to ground through to using a roller conveyor, find out just how quick and easy the design process can be:
- Live item Engineeringtool presentation
- Make targeted use of the benefits of digital engineering
- Practical tips to boost efficiency even further
- Questions and answers

item linear motion unit®

LPS in the Engineeringtool

Individual webinar

Register now:
Simply request the online access data and participate without additional downloads or software.